OnTime Group Calendar is a platform bringing transparency and effectiveness into your organisation as the perfect companion for your IBM Notes Desktop and IBM Verse client.
OnTime extends the possibilities of a group calendar with its speed and flexibility along with focusing on the team rather than the individual, bringing value to your company. If you enjoy modern design, easy and logical navigation, and user-friendliness, this feature rich calendar solution is for you. OnTime allows users to easily gain an overview and it brings great scalability, as it is fit for both smaller and larger organisations in regards of design and capacity.
Additionally, it always keeps the user up to date with the latest changes made to a calendar, preventing misunderstanding and double bookings. Last but not least, users can always access your OnTime Group Calendar through the Mobile Web App, mobilizing your work force.
Team Technology GmbH is a specialist in IBM Notes application modernization. With the teamWorkr solution, Team Technology covers the entire process from analysis to modernization and integration of applications. teamWorkr places special emphasis on the use of Notes applications on mobile devices. With teamWorkr you are able to transform existing desktop optimized applications into a true web-based user experience in a very short period. teamWorkr is the next level of "Rapid Development" and makes Lotus Script and @Formula usable on the web.
IT investments of the past can be used future-proof with teamWorkr!
Should you want to migrate your Notes/Domino data we would recommend LDC Via. Your data gets painlessly exported to a modern noSQL database and is suddenly available via REST API.
We are business partners with panagenda, who deliver the best solution for notes client management and deployment, in the form of Marvel Client.
We are certified marvel client consultants. Please ask us to come by and show you how we can remove the pain from Notes client management, and, almost as a side-effect, reduce the number of calls and troubleshooting from your support desk.
iDNA is a clever appliance that does background data mining of your Domino infrastructure. This enables you to make data-based decisions for you Domino infrastructure. We're finding it essential for server consolidation scenarios.
Ytria develops a suite of excellent tools for IBM Notes Developers and Admins, and we are great fans.
We are business partners with Ytria. Please ask us to come by and showcase you the products. Since we are also experts (we use them everyday, especially ScanEZ) we can come and train your staff to use the tools to their full potential.
The Notes RPC Parser is a free, open-source tool which enables you to analyse why a particular Notes Client application is slow. Using IBM's 'Debug Mode' creates detailed but almost unreadable logs exactly showing the communication between your Notes Client and the Domino server. This parser translates that log file into a Notes view, filled with Notes Documents.
You then can see why your application needs too much time to load. And then correct it.